The simplest actions that will help the Russian Bride to cope with fear of flights
Come to the airport in advance
Haste is a stress factor. In order not to worry about the possible delay, it is better to calculate your time and be in time.

Pamper her
While waiting for the flight at the airport, use the moment and pamper your lady before boarding the plane. Buy a drink or food that you would not otherwise treat yourself to or just something that will please her.

Distract from the fear source
Try to distract her with music, a book, a mobile game - all this will help to stop the panic. Chat on abstract topics and laugh more.

Persuade to act confidently, even if she is very scared
Smile, even if you are shaking with fear too. Make her act as proceeded from the message: "What would I do if I were not afraid of flying?”

Manage body biochemistry
Do not drink coffee, strong tea and energy drinks at least a day before departure. In moments of excitement, breathe together freely. Remember that intensive oxygen exchange is one of the best means for anxiety.

Use the mentioned recommendations! And we hope that your presence itself will make any of your flights easy!


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