Some Reasons Your Slavic Bride Should Love Music
Is your Russian Girl far from music? It can't be true because all of us live with music this or that way. Even in everyday speech, people use many words related to music: tactful behaviour, rhythmic work, and harmoniously developed personality. Concerning your Slavic mail-order bride, you use such words as well.

Some of the greatest people said that music was born with humanity. In the caves of Africa, rock carvings of long-disappeared tribes, depicting people with musical instruments, are preserved. We will never listen to that music, but then it brightened people's lives and made them rejoice or mourn. Music has tremendous power, it evokes beautiful emotions and feelings. There are very few people indifferent to it. Famous composers expressed through music the state of their soul. Music does not have age, it will live as long as people will exist.

At the beginning of October, people celebrate World Music Day and we congratulate all those who love music and dedicate their lives to it, those who compose music and give it to people or just listen. We wish to composers to write many more beautiful works and let their names shine alongside the names of the great creators of the past epochs, whose music has become the property of mankind. Congratulations to teachers of conservatories and music schools who patiently learn to feel the beauty of music. Congratulations to students of music schools who are looking for their way in the vast and versatile world of music! Is your Slavic bride related to some music sphere? Then it's time to greet her as well!


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