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24  |  48  |  72  |  96  |  120  |  144  |  168  |  192  |  216  |  240

Charming girl Cristina, 38 yrs.old from Bender, Moldova

Cristina 38

Moldova, Bender

I consider myself to be a successful woman. I have a good job, nice house but I am one of single women who wants to m...

Pretty woman Tatiana, 50 yrs.old from Kiev, Ukraine

Tatiana 50

Ukraine, Kiev

I treat life seriously and thoughtfully. I value sincerity and honesty in people. I am easy-going, lively, fun to be ...

Nice woman Juliya, 37 yrs.old from Kharkov, Ukraine

Juliya 37

Ukraine, Kharkov

I am very calm and lovely girl. I love to be kind and help other people. I have a lot of friends and we often help ea...

Amazing bride Elena, 53 yrs.old from Kiev, Ukraine

Elena 53

Ukraine, Kiev

I am “salsa” sauceSmile. I am a very delicious sauce that can be spicy (passionate) like chili sauce, or delicate (very...

Sexy bride Nataliya, 26 yrs.old from Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Nataliya 26

Ukraine, Vinnitsa

I think I should start from words about honesty, talking about myself. As I am here to build my relationship, I under...

Charming mail order bride Lilia, 35 yrs.old from Kharkov, Ukraine

Lilia 35

Ukraine, Kharkov

I am very friendly and communicative lady. I have a lot of friends and I spend a lot of time with my near and dear. ...

Pretty pen pal Natalia, 65 yrs.old from Kharkov, Ukraine

Natalia 65

Ukraine, Kharkov

I have a lot of interests. I like learning different languages and cultures of foreign countries))))))))) I like read...

Charming wife Veronika, 32 yrs.old from Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Veronika 32

Ukraine, Vinnitsa

I have an attractive natural appearance, I tend to wear little make up and let my inner beauty shine through my chara...

Single wife Yuliya, 33 yrs.old from Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Yuliya 33

Ukraine, Vinnitsa

I am a well-educated, intelligent and energetic woman. I have a great sense of humor I always try to treat people in...

Nice wife Snezhana, 33 yrs.old from Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Snezhana 33

Ukraine, Vinnitsa

For me, outook is not important, age does not matter as well. But i find it important you have a good heart, and tru...

Amazing wife Olga, 49 yrs.old from Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Olga 49

Russia, Saint-Petersburg

I am kind-hearted, communicative, easy-going person. I am here because I am tired from loneliness and I am looking fo...

Pretty girlfriend Tatiana, 38 yrs.old from Kiev, Ukraine

Tatiana 38

Ukraine, Kiev

I am a blue-eyed brunette, I do self-development and sports, read books and want to travel.I have a dream to see the ...