HometownZelenograd, Russia
Date of birthAug 02, 1990 (34 y.)
Height170 cm (5'6")
Weight115 lbs (52 kg)
Body typeSlim
Hair colorFair
Eye colorBlue
English levelPre-Intermediate
Marital statusNever Married
ChildrenHave no children


The delightful mail order bride Elena lives in Zelenograd and she is 34. She is a Leo by horoscope and such people are the core of dynamic energy. Leos really glow when they are in love and enjoy being admired and pampered. They love to make their partner feel special and can make grand romantic gestures. You have a chance to plunge into love luxury world of Leonian russian woman. Leo is a generous soul, the kind of person that would give you the shirt off of their back. Always has a smile, this warmhearted individual will be the first to boast your spirits when you are feeling down.

