Are you in Stress? Useful Advice from Russian Bride How to Relax for Five minutes

Nowadays people has little time for relaxation. But the percent of the factors that irritate us is getting high. There are a few tips from Russia women that will help you relax effectively for 5 minutes.
There are several methods to relieve stress quickly. Chose what's right for you.

Green tea is a source of L-theanine, a natural antidepressant. This tea is invigorating, and it helps to cope with bouts of anger and irritability.

Chocolate can help you calm down. It is known that chocolate promotes the production of endorphins - the hormone of happiness.

Honey can be an alternative to chocolate. Honey struggles with depression and anxiety.
Chewing Gum is a quick and easy way to fight stress. Within a few minutes, the gum will reduce anxiety and nervousness.

Inner world
Close your eyes. You can relax even at work, just close your eyes for a few minutes. Try to think about nothing this period. In a few minutes, you will notice how you calmed down and rested.

The are a lot of nerve endings in your palm and fingers. So a few minutes of massage will help you relax the entire body. In order to strengthen the effect, the wrist can be rubbed with cold water.

Anti-stress ball. The name of this object suggests that it was created to deal with stress. And this method really works – try it.

Write about your anxieties and feelings on paper. This method will act as psychological support. You will speak out and calm down.

Try to solve the puzzle. Even a few minutes of this and your brain will switch its attention to the game and it will help to cope with stress.

Nothing soothes and relaxes better than handicrafts. Take time for embroidery or weaving, and you'll notice how the stress disappears.

Another good way to relax is drawing. Even if you have absolutely no talent for drawing, Draw and feel better soon!


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