8 tips to understand your second date with hot Russians girl was good enough
How to understand that everything is going well at the end of the second date and you can count on the third one.

1. She does not hide emotions.
She laughs at jokes, listens carefully to your funny stories.

2. She slaps you compliments
In theory, all of these: "Oh, how hilarious you're kidding!" In practice is a clear sign that you attract her.

3. She points out your mutual similarity
Wow, she also hates yogurt, her first kiss was under the Do not cry of Guns N 'Roses.

4. She does not avoid the spicy topics.
She even starts talking about tantric sex so you know that she is sexually liberated person.

5. She is not against staying longer
For example, she is ready to change the restaurant to the nearest bar, once the first closes in order to be with you longer.

6. She makes plans
Did you think to re-watch all of the "Star Wars"? She is incidentally also wanted it. Did you plan to open the holiday season the following weekend? Thus, you have plenty ideas how to spend your third date.

7. She reduces the distance
She takes your arm, straightens your tie. Do not kiss her for goodbye at the end would be equal to a declaration of another orientation.

8. She texts you
And forty seconds have passed since you broke up, and she has already written you something nice and burdensome like "Wonderful evening, it is necessary to repeat." Someone else could, and would consider it as a manifestation of basic courtesy, but we know – you caught her and it is not a joke


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