Incredible secrets of the color of your Slavic Bride’s eyes
The color of the eyes is given to a person from birth and scientists believe that its brightness affects the psychological state and temperament of a person. The person's eyes are the mirror of his soul. And it is not necessary to be a scientist to recognize certain features of a person's character. Often our intuition helps us in this case, we can look at the person, and we can say that he has «kind eyes or smart eyes". All these skills are laid in our subconscious.

Eyes are considered the most important organ, since 80% of the information we receive visually. It's not for nothing that there is a saying: it's better to see than hear a hundred times. The brighter and more intense is the eye color of your Slavic Bride, the stronger will be the manifestation of her passions, energy content and active life position. Consequently, the lighter the shade of her eyes, the more romantic and gentle her soul is.

The intensity and brightness of the color in the iris indicates the creativity of the personality precisely. Gentle natures are characterized by warm shades of the eyes, and the cold speak of a firm and persistent character.

Modern researches have proved that each person has a unique eyes’ color. Scientists have found out that the first impression when acquainted is produced by the eyes, that they can attract or repel. It is also interesting that when we are happy, we have an upbeat mood - the color of our eyes is brighter, but if we feel hurt or anger - our eyes darken. Let your girl's eyes always sparkle with joy and happiness!


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