HometownMarganets, Ukraine
Date of birthMay 04, 1991 (33 y.)
Height165 cm (5'4")
Weight110 lbs (50 kg)
Body typeSlim
Hair colorBlond
Eye colorBlue
English levelElementary
Marital statusNever Married
ChildrenHave no children


YULIIA*, 33 year old mail order bride from Marganets was born under a sign of Taurus on 1991-05-04. According to astrologers, It is an earth sign, and these people deal well with the personal, physical senses and consequently all the pleasures associated with what they can see, touch, smell and taste, add up to a special delight to them. In love, Tureens are regarded as extremely sensual beings. This is a great chance to start relationships with russian girlfriend of this sign, as you may experience new unforgettable feeling next to her.

