HometownMinsk, Belarus
Date of birthJan 01, 1985 (40 y.)
HeightI prefer not to say
WeightI prefer not to say
Body typeI prefer not to say
Hair colorI prefer not to say
Eye colorI prefer not to say
EducationI prefer not to say
English levelI prefer not to say
Marital statusNever Married
ChildrenHave no children
OccupationI prefer not to say

Flower Horoscope

Lovely HolaTanya with the date of birth 1985-01-01 is Capricorn according to astrological horoscope. People born under this sign have Jasmine as their birth flower. The Jasmine is a flower with the diversified and contrasted language. According to its colors, this flower is used for a timid love, a strong love or a carnal love. Red jasmine is associated with erotism, your desire of carnal love, white flowers allows you to express feelings of timid love. Jasmine of yellow color expresses the force and intensity your love to your russian lady or ukrainian woman.

