Eight Reasons to Marry a Russian Girl With a Bad Temper
When people choose their partners, they care mostly persons’ advantages. And they make a big mistake. Everyone knows how to live with a girl, be it a girl from Russia or a Ukrainian woman who just goes with the flow. She never becomes angry and she never challenges you. She does not criticize you. She just nods and laughs. And it is always comfortable. She's sweet and good-natured. And it lets you do whatever you want.

It is much more difficult with the ladies of difficult temper type. They’re not happy with the only they have, they want to have what they deserve. They will yearn for more from you. Sometimes they may argue with you in the worst possible moment but because they are passionate and caring. And yet - emotional.

Dispassionate and passive man will choose the first type. He is not ready to work on anything, including own relationship. He does not want to argue with her. As the results, the relationship turned into a routine and fade. But people live with each other just because "already used to", or because it is "difficult to divide the property," or "for the sake of the children."

But a real man knows that the woman with a complicated character is his best choice. Sometimes it is difficult to live with her, but it is only because she is always striving for the best. If a man is aware of it, their relationship will become stronger and healthier.
Girls of the complicated nature usually creative and emotional. No one else will cause you to move toward your dreams.

If you want to become better, to expand the horizons of your thinking and your abilities, you'd better marry a "difficult" girl. Here's how to determine that you have found exactly that person:

1. She rarely tells you what you expect to hear. Often it turns out that as a result, she was right. Marry this girl!
2. Marry a girl who needs your respect.
3. Marry the girl who can talk about politics even if her opinion differs from your own.
4. Marry the girl, whose eyes are beginning to flicker during a passionate talk about some things and traveling.
5. Marry the girl who will not allow you to ditch your talent.
6. Marry the girl who makes you try to get better every day.
7. Marry the girl who you have to fight sometimes with.
8. Marry the girl, whose talents are yours, or even surpass yours.


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