How To Start Living With Taste? Useful Tips From Russian Girlfriend
1. Surround yourself with the positive
By letting the positive come into your heart, you program yourself for joy, happiness, and luck. If you are used to reading or watching the negative news, complain about the government and laws - immediately get out of this. Surround yourself with your beloved people, beautiful girl, favorite pets, delicious, healthy food, interesting hobbies, beautiful music.

2. Do not be too shy
To live with taste is to surround yourself with beautiful things. Let the house be comfortable and cozy. If you always buy the cheapest stuff, shaking at every penny, you need to change your thinking and life absolutely. Your vacation should be pleasant and unforgettable, clothes should be comfortable and tasteful. Raise your standard level.
Second, do not be shy and do take the initiative. You own ideas, your abilities, and ambitions, your work are the things that help to move forward.

3. Create
Creative interests and hobbies reveal the potential of a person. Whether it's music, writing, drawing, dancing, handmade creativity - it's all for the soul. It is an ideal tool for improving overall well-being and coping with stress. Engaging in creativity, we feel happier. Creative people know how to see beauty in ordinary, familiar things. They can be inspired by rainy weather, gloomy, gray forest and thunderstorm.

4. Go out oftener
Life with taste is impossible in the four walls of your house. Attend theaters, exhibitions. Go to restaurants, events and master classes. Meet new people. Numerous contacts are the key to success. One will tell you the phone or site you need, another will introduce you to an interesting person, the third will give a good advice. And now life has begun to stir in a different way. Also be open to the suggestions and initiatives of others. Got the invitation somewhere? Say "yes."

5. Spontaneity
Without spontaneity, life is boring. First, arrange spontaneous days yourself. Have an idea to go to park, to ride a bike, to eat cotton candy? Do it and no matter what your plans are (of course, if you did not promise something important to another person). Fall in love with spontaneous adventures and travel, even a trip to a nearby city will shake you. One must be able to listen to the heart and follow the call.

6. Try, try, try
Do not be involved in only one activity. Life does not stand still, and the transition from one sphere to another can become a hasty turn in destiny. If there is a chance to prove yourself in something else, why not take a chance? The world loves those who do not trample on the spot, who is ready and open to the new!
7. Praise and Pamper Yourself
Learn to notice your achievements, even the smallest! You finally cleaned house, cleaned space didn’t you? - well done! Coped at work with some task – well done! You supported a friend in a difficult moment, didn’t you - keep it up! Moreover, do not forget to pamper yourself. This does not mean to chic every week, it means to give time to yourself: to go to massage, to spa procedures, to read a book alone, to find a new spring image, to arrange a day of relaxation and laziness, to watch your favorite movies. Sometimes it's important to abstract yourself from the world for a while and go on your own. You are the key to the brightness of life!


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