How to Build Your Life Consciously Dating Russian Girl
You're the one dating Russian lady but you do not know what this relationship leads you to? You're afraid to make the right choice, but you shouldn't be afraid. You're worth to have a good Russian wife.
If you feel that you are not able to make a choice, you are wrong. We all make choices every day. When you take responsibility for your choices, you will realize that every decision has the intention and consequences. Each solution reflects our attitudes and beliefs brighter than any words. So how do you allocate your time and who you spend it with is very important. All that you do becomes important when you take responsibility for your life.
In order to build your life consciously you need to do the following:
1. To believe that you control what happens to you.
2. To believe in your own ability to change your life.
3. To believe that only you are responsible for your own choices.
4. To hope that everything you want will happen.
5. To maintain motivation even in difficult situations.
If the target is not important to you, there will be no motivation. If you do not believe that you have everything you need to achieve this goal, you will not be too motivated. This theory is called the theory of expectations. According to it what happens is that we expect.
There is another similar concept called Pygmalion effect: what other people expect from us determines how successful we become.
It's simple enough: If you expect something surprising, it is likely to happen. Surround yourself with people who are waiting for great results from you, and you will begin to meet these expectations.
Does everything in life go according to our plan? No. But this does not mean that we have no control over our lives. Our destiny is determined by us. So once you decide to marry Russian woman, take your chance!


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